jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013

ROOM 101

-``what is in room 101 ?´´ I make the same exact question ``What is in room 101 ?´´.

We´ve been asking this question since we have existed, WE don´t know what it´s in there WE don´t have any idea of what is after life, NOBODY!!

Stairway to heaven by LeoRiq                          OR
I think that´s the reason we have religion, catholics for example they belief in after life , they belief in things like the paradise and hell... crazy isn´t it? well, is not the only example muslims think in paradise too ... but other type of paradise, they thought that if they die while they are in war protecting their country they´ll go to the paradise and 72 virgins will be waiting for them, now this is something cool in what belief in isn´t it?... if it was true... ( I wonder how can you handle so many women...) well... whatever I´m here to talk about how religion gives us HOPE that after life is the happiest ending ever... only if you follow and belief in it ( they convert you in zombies :s).
Music has been a big part of this too they helped us to belief in paradise and hell and other weird stuff such as Guns and Roses- Paradise city or even Nirvana´s- Lake of fire ( tells us how bad guys go to hell...) kinda interesting...

All this thing about hell and stuff makes me feel like Winston I don´t know what is in room 101, I wanna know , but for it I have to die... I think I´ll just have to wait for it to come... But, no I wan´t to know it now, and the other way is believing in that god that supposely is omnipotent... well he hadn´t help me much in my life! or neither to the people that are starving in africa... But they still belief in him. It seems to me like they wan´t to hide us reallity and give us this god so we´re all happy and inocent since the end of our life AMEN!

But, you know what I don´t mind what is in room 101 gives me energy to live everyday, I don´t know what is over there but don´t worry I´ll discover it someday!  but whatever if you think that being a sheep and following the shepherd it´s your choice!

well as O´brien says: ``you know what is in room 101, everybody know what´s in room 101´´ and I have to rewrite that ``everybody know what´s in their room 101.´´

jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013


What is art?

this is art.

I´ve been to this place not too long ago and I got in love with it. For you it could be trash , tragedy, or even vandalism... in my eyes this is beauty, it´s forgotten memories and I really appreciate what they did in this place, they convirted a sadly destroyed place in a place full of magic and forgotten memories. This is art.

The first thing that came to my mind when I first saw it was... That´s a lot of old shoes... but then they told me what it really ment and I loved it, they told me that all the shoes were different and each one from a different person, they found them , in the trash or even fallen in the ground, so a man saw this shoes as if they were part of a left soul, like someone left their shoe and part of the soul was on it part of his/her life was on it so he decided to put them in a pile and in a fence to conmemorate this lost or left part of soul, memory or life.

Then I saw this:

I really got in touch with this house.. Maybe it´s because I love music. So what I´m trying to say it´s this they took an old ugly house and they convirted it in an amazing piece of art.

So I think that art it´s what really art means for each one of us not a piece of sentence that the dictionary says so this is my opinion of art.. yes trash , trash in weird shapes thats art for me.